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      NaleseanAldi replied to the thread 2025 GV70.
      It is a nice car but I don't like that single big screen.
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      NaleseanAldi replied to the thread Vantrue dashcams.
      I have read somewhere that you need an orthoking dashcam power adapter but I don't have an idea how to installl it hahaha
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      NaleseanAldi replied to the thread GV60P Summer Range Drop.
      A range drop in warmer weather with a GV60 Performance, especially in the mid-Atlantic, doesn't sound right. While some range variation...
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      @4medicationlibrarian How was your Tesla magic dock experience? Can you share with us some pros and cons?
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      I swear, these performance tires are turning me into a human seismograph! I'm feeling every vibration in the road. I'm thinking about...
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      NaleseanAldi replied to the thread GV60P charging.
      A software update is available that allows for 100% charging. The vehicle incorporates a thermal management system that will...
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      NaleseanAldi replied to the thread DST Headaches.
      It really bothers me that I have to manually disable daylight saving time in my car every year. I thought the car's system would...
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      NaleseanAldi replied to the thread OTA update stuck.
      @Yahya+Jammeh Are you using a USB stick to update your OTA? Do you have a good or spotty reception?
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