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  1. M

    Shipping GV60

    No need to worry. Just make sure to leave it at around 80%.
  2. M

    GV60 DRLs Canadian import challenges

    If the car is turned on, then you can't turn off the DRLs. Unless if someone bypasses the system and finds a way to turn it off :ROFLMAO:
  3. M

    GV60 diagnostic scanner

    Do you guys know any good car scanners for our GV60?
  4. B

    Preheating GV60 Battery Manually

    You can totally set up the car to warm up before you head out, but it’s gotta be plugged in for that. If you’re close by, just use the fob to get it going.
  5. J

    Used GV60 Performance

    Hi guys. I'm thinking about buying a used GV60 Performance, but I've seen models with 1k to 4k miles sell for $10k to $12k less than new. What am I missing out on by going with a used model, and is it worth the extra $10k for a new one?
  6. A

    Weather-on-the-Way CarPlay App - Worth a Try?

    Thanks for sharing this! I’m always up for discovering new apps, and this one seems like it might be exactly what I’ve been searching for. Can’t wait to dive in!

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