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  1. M

    GV60 Tire Pressure Display Missing

    To cycle through screens, hold down the touch mouse on the steering wheel. This can be done with either a right or a downward swipe.
  2. M

    GV60 Key Card Won't Unlock Doors!

    No issues with mine. Are you sure you're holding your key card in the correct spot for a few seconds?
  3. R

    Touchscreen drag glitch

    To use the drag function, glide your finger across the button and hold it down at its border.
  4. R

    Tesla universal wall connector with magic dock

    Have you considered using a holder to secure the Tesla adapter to your Juicebox? This method worked well for my friend.
  5. R

    Waiting for the ultimate used EV deal

    When it comes to high-mileage EVs, I'm more concerned with the battery's condition and lifespan. Its battery life may be nearing the end, as opposed to high-mileage gas cars, which typically have few issues. People rarely hesitate to buy higher-mileage gas cars, but EVs are a different story.
  6. L

    Genesis GV60 charging nightmare

    I've had terrible experiences with Genesis service myself. If you qualify, I strongly advise you to look into your options under lemon law.
  7. L

    Rims Peeling Fast!

    That's sad. I think that's a manufacturing defect, so it would be covered (hopefully)
  8. I

    Got any fixes for a dead horn?

    My horn's totally dead today. I hit it a bunch of times, but nothing. Restarted the car, still no sound. It was working fine until today. The only thing that’s been swapped recently is the ICCU about a month ago. I checked the 15A fuse and it’s good, and I even disconnected the12V battery, but...
  9. R

    2024 Spring Map Update: Delayed Again?

    Let's just hope it'll finally push through this August. Do you have issues with yours?

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