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  1. D

    Got a Twisted Seatbelt in the New GV70!

    When you say it’s twisted, are you talking about something you can just tweak by hand, or is it a major hassle? It’s super weird that a brand-new vehicle would have this issue in the first place!
  2. D

    GV70 Prestige Sport - HDA or HDA2?

    HDA2 came with the Sport Prestige package on my 2022 GV70 2.5T. I’m guessing the 2023 model’s got the same setup. On the window sticker, it just says HDA for standard features, but if you go for the Sport Prestige package, you get the fancy HDA2 upgrade.
  3. D

    GV70 Charging button issue

    I had a bit of the same problem. Just swapped out the charging port assembly, but no luck - it didn’t fix a thing. The LEDs are still out, and the bypass button’s stuck. The dealership has passed it on to Genesis, so now I’m just waiting for them to get back to me.

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