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  1. J

    Check engine light!

    Real headache, @Gav2003! Five months is a long time to deal with something like this. How did you manage to do the jobs that involved driving and stuff? I agree with @chery572bb! Consider a second opinion from a different dealership. Also, have you documented every visit and explanation...
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    GV70 dead battery

    New vehicle with a battery issue? I guess it is too soon. Did the dealer mention anything about the cause? I hope you get a permanent fix. Also, do you have to pay anything?
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    Who’s squeezing every bit of fun out of their GV60?

    I do enjoy pushing it on winding country roads. There's an unusual feeling when I accelerate on those curves. The most interesting route was one through the mountains. Have you taken yours on any unforgettable road trips? The conclusion is there is a lot of potential for fun with this car.
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    Genesis OTA Update is finally over!

    Glad to hear your Genesis is finally updated! It must have been frustrating to deal with those issues for so long. Regarding your question, @SoDamnH1gh, it sounds like they used specific tools only available to dealers. I understand you want to fix it yourself. Many of us prefer that option...
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    Weather-on-the-Way CarPlay App - Worth a Try?

    Have you tried it on a long drive yet? I would like to know how well it integrates with navigation. Thanks for letting us know about it.
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    Has Anyone Experienced Windshield Cracks in Their GV70?

    Hey, @Khan_Cross_87! Windshield cracks can be really annoying. It might be worth checking if there is a design flaw with the 2023 GV70. Some models have reported similar issues with windshield durability. Have you reached out to your dealership for advice? They might have seen this...
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    GV70 Bluetooth Phone Call Quality Issues

    Bluetooth connection issues are common, so don't worry. Have you tried adjusting the phone's position or checking for any interference from other devices? Sometimes, a reset on your phone's bluetooth settings can help, too. Just thought! Good one, @Coffeeadicted_1!
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    New EGV70 speed issue

    Have you contacted the dealer again? As a matter of fact, you are not the only one to face such situations. Many new car owners face issues early on. I think you should do a little push to the dealership to take the situation seriously. Keep us updated.
  9. J

    Power side mirrors

    Yeah, pretty crazy! Just don't tell me about people messing with your stuff. Have you noticed any unusual sounds when it folds? Follow @WindowsVista1 advice to keep an eye on it. Have a great one.
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    Has anyone tried Genesis Valet Service?

    What methods have you used so far? I can relate to your situation. I had two similar situations. In one I called them and in the other, I went to them directly. Messaging or emailing is not always the best way to resolve such things.
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    GV60 battery code P1AA900

    Hey, @coPILOT! I understand how stressful that must be. The P1AA900 code can be concerning, especially with battery issues. Have you checked if your dealer has any updates on common fixes? Sharing information might help others too.
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    Any Concerns with GV60 Rear Visibility?

    Hey there! It is great that your mom is considering the GV60. Visibility can be a concern in smaller cars. Have you checked if the car has blind-spot monitoring? That feature can really help reduce any worries. Plus, the 360-degree cameras, as @mardiehenry mentioned, make a big...
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    Government Levy

    Haha, surprise!!! We got the same $200 fee here in Alabama. They say it is for "road maintenance", but as you said @Rolly, we all know that money gets "lost" around. It makes me laugh that they are hitting us with this when they want more people driving EVs, haha!
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    Genesis GV60 Review

    Unfortunately, I haven't tried it, yet, haha! I am planning to do it in the near future.
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    Genesis GV60 Review

    Haha, right? It is like they are skipping over the fun parts. The acceleration in the Performance model is something everyone should know about. It is not just about being eco-friendly, it is about enjoying the ride, too. Have you all had a chance to test-drive it? @Milys @Chris_Lives...
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    Can't choose our color combination?

    Exactly! I just wish they would 'copy' from other brands that allow more customization. Haha, it is like the just don't realize how important it is to their customers.
  17. J

    Can't choose our color combination?

    Haha, that's quite frustrating. I guess some dealers just don't get that people have preferences. Have you thought about checking different dealerships? I bet you can fin one that is more flexible with customization.
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    GV70 PMS service

    Haha! This made me laugh.
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    Some resources regarding an recall for most of the MY'22 and MY'23

    Haha! I didn't know there was another recall. Yeah, the cause is in the article.
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    Some resources regarding an recall for most of the MY'22 and MY'23

    Haha, right?! I was wondering the same thing. I called my dealership, and they couldn't give me a straight answer about the VIN range either. I think they are just as confused as we are, haha!

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