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  1. O

    Check engine light!

    I think it would be great for you to take some rest and then figure out what you can do, even if it is frustrating. I wish you the best and I hope you will find a way to resolve this situation.
  2. O

    GV70 dead battery

    Pff, why would it die so soon? Any chance there was something draining it, like lights left on or a system not shutting down? I am curious as @jumbo31. There must be a cause. I wish you the best with your car.
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    Stuck in Comfort Mode after tune-up

    Thanks for sharing! It is good to hear the car drives nicely most of the time. Regarding the issue - have you tried resetting the check engine light? Sometimes that can clear up minor issues. But visit the dealership if the drive modes are acting up again. Let us know how it works. I wish you...
  4. O

    Genesis OTA Update is finally over!

    That's awesome news! Big congrats on finally getting things sorted with your Genesis! It is great when a dealer actually steps up and figures things out. I know that the "hard reset" fix has saved a lot of people the hassle of replacing parts unnecessarily.
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    GV60 12V battery access

    This is a common issue! I have been there with battery terminals before. Just ask someone nearby for help. I hope you manage to resolve this.
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    GV70 Bluetooth Phone Call Quality Issues

    I feel you on that! Making calls while driving can be tough enough. Have you tried using a different phone to see it it is a device issue? Sometimes, it is not just the car. It can be the phone, too. I wish you the best with it.
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    Can't choose our color combination?

    Best wishes on your search for the GV60. It is always uncomfortable when dealers don't cooperate. I hope you find one that meets your style. And remember, asking around might help you find more helpful dealers.
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    Low GV60 availability

    Best wishes on your search for the GV60! It is tough when dealerships don't have what they advertise. I hope you find one that meets your needs soon. Don't give up. And @lazy_boy, you are lucky to have a dealer so close.
  9. O

    Some resources regarding an recall for most of the MY'22 and MY'23

    At least, it will happen free of charge. I wish you the best, guys!
  10. O

    Do you know Genesis dealers in Wisconsin USA?

    Good luck with your search. I use that, too. A game changer.

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