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  1. F

    Can't choose our color combination?

    We're thinking about getting the GV60 Advanced AWD trim as our first EV, but we've heard that some Genesis dealers are hesitant or uninterested in allowing us to customize the colors. How true is this?
  2. R

    Apple Watch glitchy

    Is this normal or is it just my Apple Watch acting up? I can't use the remote climate start via my Apple Watch even though I tried deleting and reinstalling the Genesis app.
  3. A

    Any Sneaky Ways to Charge the GV60 on the Go?

    Does anyone figured out any sneaky ways to charge up the GV60 beyond the usual Level 1, Level 2, and DCFC? Just curious - are there any tricks to pick up a bit of charge while driving? Like, is that even a thing?
  4. T

    GV60 Driver Seat Memory Issues

    My GV60’s driver seat memory seems to have a short term memory problem - it only remembers the last adjustment I made! Tried setting it up for both me and my wife,but it’s being stubborn. Anyone else’s seat memory act like it’s got amnesia? Any fix ideas would be awesome!
  5. J

    Navigation Voice Won't Shut Up

    Man, the navigation voice in my GV60 is seriously getting on my nerves! It's super loud and never seems to quit. I’ve tried muting it but it doesn't seem to work! Does anyone know how to turn it off completely or atleast quiet it down when it starts blabbing?
  6. A

    GV60 Level 2 Charging Speed Slowing Down

    That’s kinda weird. I’ve got ChargePoint as well, and everything’s been totally normal on my side.
  7. L

    Tesla Superchargers

    So Tesla Superchargers are now NACS adapter compatible. Does this mean that non-Tesla EVs with NACS adapters can now use them?
  8. S

    AC Chargers Not Working

    Can the dealer hook up your car for AC charging? If they can’t, it might be an issue with the onboard charger (OBC).
  9. S

    OTA update stuck

    Try unplugging the battery and then plugging it back in. It’s not a surefire fix, but it’s worked for me when nothing else seemed to do the trick. Just a heads-up - try it at your own risk!

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