Can't choose our color combination?

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This isn't a new problem; this also happens to other brands. Some dealerships care less than others. They may believe you will not leave because of this issue, or they may have strained relationships with other dealerships.
Haha, that's quite frustrating. I guess some dealers just don't get that people have preferences. Have you thought about checking different dealerships? I bet you can fin one that is more flexible with customization.
We're thinking about getting the GV60 Advanced AWD trim as our first EV, but we've heard that some Genesis dealers are hesitant or uninterested in allowing us to customize the colors. How true is this?
Have you already contacted any local dealerships to ask about their customization options? It might be helpful to get a direct response from them instead of relying on what you hear from others. What color options are you hoping for, by the way?
We're thinking about getting the GV60 Advanced AWD trim as our first EV, but we've heard that some Genesis dealers are hesitant or uninterested in allowing us to customize the colors. How true is this?
I don't get why dealerships don't offer flexibility. If you like the GV60 in a specific color, don't down for anything less than what you want. Do your research and don't hesitate to explore multiple dealerships to find what you like.
Best wishes on your search for the GV60. It is always uncomfortable when dealers don't cooperate. I hope you find one that meets your style. And remember, asking around might help you find more helpful dealers.
Yeah... it is disappointing to hear that... I would think they would want to sell the car exactly how you want it... have you looked into online options to see if other dealers offer better customization?
We're thinking about getting the GV60 Advanced AWD trim as our first EV, but we've heard that some Genesis dealers are hesitant or uninterested in allowing us to customize the colors. How true is this?
Yeah... it is disappointing to hear that... I would think they would want to sell the car exactly how you want it... have you looked into online options to see if other dealers offer better customization?
Exactly! I just wish they would 'copy' from other brands that allow more customization. Haha, it is like the just don't realize how important it is to their customers.

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