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  1. M

    Rear Doors Keep Locking on Their Own

    You got it! I checked it out when I started up the car after it had been chilling for a bit, and yep, it defaulted back to the old setting (Safety lock was back on). Totally my bad!
  2. M

    GV70 backseat stuck in down position

    When the seatback is down, it locks in place. All you gotta do is yank that lever on the side of the seat, then adjust the seatback however you want - whether you’re going full upright or leaning back and getting cozy.
  3. M

    Rear Doors Keep Locking on Their Own

    I'm having a bit of a headache with my car's rear doors. They keep locking themselves from the inside, even with the safety lock turned off. It’s a pain because I have to crawl into the front seat just to get out. Super inconvenient, especially for older folks. Has anyone else run into this...

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