Any Concerns with GV60 Rear Visibility?

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So my mom’s eyeing a GV60 Base, but she’s kinda worried about the visibility. That rear window looks pretty small, and she’s wondering if there are any sneaky blind spots or other issues she should watch out for. If any of you have a GV60, can you give us the lowdown on how it handles visibility? Thanks!
Hey there!

It is great that your mom is considering the GV60.

Visibility can be a concern in smaller cars.

Have you checked if the car has blind-spot monitoring?

That feature can really help reduce any worries.

Plus, the 360-degree cameras, as @mardiehenry mentioned, make a big difference.

In my experience, the GV60 does a decent job overall. I don't own one, but I have a friend who gave it to me several times.

I hope this helps.
So my mom’s eyeing a GV60 Base, but she’s kinda worried about the visibility. That rear window looks pretty small, and she’s wondering if there are any sneaky blind spots or other issues she should watch out for. If any of you have a GV60, can you give us the lowdown on how it handles visibility? Thanks!
I think I have some things for you. Just keep these in mind:
  • The rear window is indeed smaller, but the mirrors are pretty wide.
  • Many owners appreciate the 360-degree camera feature for tight spots.
  • You might want to check if your mom is comfortable with the seat height. Adjust it so it can help her see better.
Let me know if you have more questions.
Hi! Have you thought about going with both of you for a test drive? This way you could both have a better feel about the visibility. Also, what exactly is she concerned about? Check some online reviews, too.

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