GM and Tesla charging

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North Dakota
when GM announced they're adopting Tesla's charging standard, this is huge news and It's pretty clear that Tesla's network and tech are miles ahead of the competition. As someone who owns both a Tesla and a different EV, I can totally vouch for that. I wonder if this is the beginning of the end for other charging networks like EA. What do you guys think?
Tesla's broad charging network gives them a significant advantage over other manufacturers. GM chose to use Tesla's network rather than build their own, most likely because of the cost and maintenance involved. This is in contrast to both Electrify America and Chargepoint.
Totally agree with you both!
Tesla's charging network is lightyears ahead in terms of coverage and reliability.
@WolfgangAmadeusMozart, I am curious, how is your experience using both Tesla and non-Tesla chargers?
I have heard horror stories about Electrify America's reliability, and it makes sense that GM would rather tap into Tesla's proven infrastructure. Do you think other manufacturers will follow suit?
You are onto something here, guys! Telsa's netowrk is undoubtedly more reliable, and GM choosing to adopt it speaks volumes about where the future of EV charging might be headed. As for Electrify America, it has struggled with consistency, so it wouldn't be surprising if other networks started to fall behind. I am curious about how things will evolve, anyway.

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