Government Levy

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A bit curious about this. Our local government has decided to charge EV owners an additional $200 annually. Has anyone else encountered similar policies in their area? Can someone shed light to this?
A bit curious about this. Our local government has decided to charge EV owners an additional $200 annually. Has anyone else encountered similar policies in their area? Can someone shed light to this?
While the fee varies by state, it seems reasonable for EV drivers to contribute to road maintenance. The claim that fuel taxes fund road repairs is flawed because these taxes frequently go into general government funds and infrastructure spending is not directly related to gas taxes. The government estimates that this new fee will generate $1 million, which is insignificant when compared to the overall budget.
Yeah, no surprise. I have seen similar fees, and I am from Texas. Around the same amount. I guess this is the government's way of regaining the lost gas tax revenue since EV drivers don't contribute to that. It feels like a cash grab, even if apparently it makes sense. Hope it helps.
We are seeing the same thing here... it seems like a growing trend... I would say this is a bit unfair. After all, EVs are supposed to be better for the environment... and this kind of fee might discourage people from going more into electric cars... I say "might"... $200 is not that much if we consider how much we would spend on gas... what do you think?
Oh, that's a little bit crazy. 🙄 I haven't heard this would happen in my area, I hope it won't. But seeing what others say, it seems like something that could happen in the near future. The extra $200 a year could really add up. I think! Yeah, @IthinkaboutU2, it makes you wonder if they are trying to discourage people from going green 🌍 Well-pointed! But who knows?
Haha, surprise!!! We got the same $200 fee here in Alabama. They say it is for "road maintenance", but as you said @Rolly, we all know that money gets "lost" around. It makes me laugh that they are hitting us with this when they want more people driving EVs, haha!
Yeah, unfortunately, a lot of places are starting to add fees for EVs to make up for the gas tax revenue they’re losing. $200 seems pretty steep though.

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