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  1. I

    How’s the Long Drive and Charging on GV60?

    Understandable situation, @MitchyDee... 220+ miles is a lot for an EV... I already saw people write about Plugshare... Yes, that helps a lot... anyway, have you tried mapping your route, yet? Or do you only overthink the situation?
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    Tesla Superchargers

    Hey, that is new to me... and usually, I am up to date with such info... I always thought Tesla should share their Superchargers... this change will definitely help many EV owners. Do you guys think there will be any impact on the long term?
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    Any Sneaky Ways to Charge the GV60 on the Go?

    This is a question I haven't thought about, @AmonAmarth... While the standard charging options are the norm... there are ways to maximize your GV60's efficiency... Along with @Coffeeadicted_1 tips, (the best one is to use the regenrative braking), keeping a steady speed on the highway can make a...
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    Weather-on-the-Way CarPlay App - Worth a Try?

    Fantastic app! What platforms is it available on? I assume it works with both Apple and Android CarPlay... Thanks for sharing this with us....
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    Has anyone tried Genesis Valet Service?

    I totally understand the frustration. I have been there. Have you tried reaching out on social media? Sometimes companies respond faster there. I think you will get a faster respond there. After all, everyone uses their social media app nowadays.
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    Government Levy

    We are seeing the same thing here... it seems like a growing trend... I would say this is a bit unfair. After all, EVs are supposed to be better for the environment... and this kind of fee might discourage people from going more into electric cars... I say "might"... $200 is not that much if we...
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    Is the cost for maintenance fair?

    It is hard to say if these are necessary or not… I think it really depends on the status of the car and how it performs... But $1,100 does seem quite high... Maybe check with another dealer to get a second opinion… Better safe than sorry... I guess...
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    Can't choose our color combination?

    Yeah... it is disappointing to hear that... I would think they would want to sell the car exactly how you want it... have you looked into online options to see if other dealers offer better customization?
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    GV70 PMS service

    Oh no... that must be annoying... it seems like they should have better communication... if you decide to go there in person, I hope they can fit you in quickly... keep us updated on what happens... Man... he's having a situation...and you "got a phone?"...
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    Some resources regarding an recall for most of the MY'22 and MY'23

    Wow... I can't believe there is another recall... it seems like these things keep happening... Did they say what the cause is...? I hope it gets resolved quickly for everyone...
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    Anyone else confused with the Genesis welcome email

    Oh man... that must be so annoying... I remember when I had issues with my welcome email too... it seems like they are still sorting things out... I hope it gest resolved soon...
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    Do you know Genesis dealers in Wisconsin USA?

    hi I know some dedicated Genesis dealers in Wisconsin... check Genesis of Madison or Genesis of Brookfield. They have a good selection and knowledgeable staff. I am from Virginia, but I asked a good friend I have there and he told me.

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